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Blogsystem Infusion Thema drucken

Jung Mitglied

afoster Geschrieben am 13.06.2018 um 19:24
 #1 Beitrag drucken Top
I installed this infusion and everything seems to be working except that the list of categories does not show any blog items that have been posted. As an example, if I click on Downloads and a blog item has been written for it, it keeps showing that there is an error and no blog item has been posted. Did I miss a step?

Go to http://www.fredswebportal.com/testsite/ and click on the MyReviews category. The new blog that has been written was placed in that category when it was written, but it does not display when you click on the category item.

Also, I can't seem to figure out how to add an image to my blog and have it show in the blog item. Any help for that will also be appreciated.
Beiträge: 15 

Senior Mitglied

Layzee Geschrieben am 14.06.2018 um 10:10
 #2 Beitrag drucken Top
This Infusion was written by Dat Tunes many years ago. Which PHP-Fusion Version do you use? Which PHP-Version is in use on your Server? And which MySQL-Version?
Beiträge: 280 

Jung Mitglied

afoster Geschrieben am 14.06.2018 um 15:36
 #3 Beitrag drucken Top
Thanks for your reply. I am on a shared server on a webhost running php version 5.5.22 and mysql version 5.5.41. Let me know if you need any other information.
Beiträge: 15 
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